Tuesday, April 2, 2024

“A Shoe Story”

“Give a girls the right shoes and she can conquer the world.” - Marilyn Monroe (VII)

If you were to write your life’s story, how would you label each chapter? What if you told your story by the shoes you wore? How would that look? 

Buster Browns. Keds. Dr. Scholl’s. Cherokee. 

I might have had a small shoe fetish, when I was working, but nowhere near what my daughter-in-law’s collection. She could give the characters in this novel a run for their money. Suffice to say, shoes complete me, just as they did Esme.

But, are shoes enough? Navigating a troubled past. Trying to pick up where you left off seven years earlier…is that possible? Are you the same person you were then? How does the plan change as your understanding of the past changes? How do you let go, and reach for the future with both hands? Is love possible?

Everyone is entitled to a “happily-ever-after” ending…so what shoes do you wear?

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