“Which words would define me? Which would be used to judge or contain?” (235)
“Words define us, they explain us, and, on occasion they serve to control or isolate us.” (358)
What words would you use to describe yourself? What words would others use to describe you? Which of those words would be spiteful? Endearing? Supportive? Descriptive? Accurate? Are the words I use to describe myself the same when spoken by someone else? Is our understanding of those words similar? Prejudice. Decorum. Society. Love. Does the written word differ from the spoken word? How does our life experience color the words we use? Does our place in society devalue or heighten our words when navigating our world? How does one use words to bridge gaps? Find common ground? Instill understanding?
Woman. Daughter. Wife. Mother. Bitch.
Is this who I am?. Some may technically be accurate. Others feel more like a placeholder in time. I am sure there are more words that reflect who I am, and the definitions will grow and change. Which words will I continue to use? Which words will I abandon? Will there ever be a word that encompasses all that I am?
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