Tuesday, November 7, 2023

“Death of a Lesser God”

“The British in India believed themselves a race of gods - lesser gods, but gods nonetheless.” (117)

“Allow me to paraphrase the Bible. ‘What does it profit a nation if we gain our freedom but forfeit our soul?’” (117)

“He remained defiant. There was no remorse, no apology. No acknowledgment that his actions had been anything other than righteous.” (368)

Narcissism. Righteousness. Arrogance. Hate.

The color of your skin shouldn’t matter. The religion you choose to practice shouldn’t matter. Culture, race, gender…shouldn’t matter. But it did in India in 1950. And there are some strong parallels to our world today. Politics. Power. Greed. Pushing people down to claw your way up. Seeking out the truth, sometimes blindly. 

Empathy. Innocence. Camaraderie. Understanding. Love. 

I wanted a “happily-ever-after” ending…although the crime was resolved, I can’t help thinking that Persis Wadia is not done yet. There is still a better ending waiting for her…I hope.

These caught my eye and warranted sharing…

“…[the] building with a billboard above the door and another on the roof that made it look as if it had just committed a crime and was trying to hide behind a mustache and a hat.” (93)

“His eyebrows alone looked as if they’d happily mug old ladies and leave them in a dark alley.” (213)

More thoughts on books and stuff at mytossiecup.blogspot.com

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