Tuesday, May 16, 2023


“I would prefer not to.” (7)

How can the decisions of a few individuals affect so many lives? How can one person shape human thought? Challenge human decency? Stay true to their moral code to make a difference? What sacrifices would we make if we were called upon to act?

I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a huge sci-fi fan. The last sci-fi books I read were Orson Scott Card’s “Ender’s Game” and “Ender’s Shadow.” However, I do love a good story with strong characters. The two “Ender” books were great. “Holdout” was just as gripping. 

The International Space Station, a Navy pilot, the Amazon jungle, the Russians. Throw in some political nonsense and you had me hooked from the get go. I was pulling for a “happily-ever-after-ending.” But if the dead mouse was any indication…I would prefer not to finish the book, to avoid being disappointed. 

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