Tuesday, October 19, 2021

“Miss Kopp Investigates”

Installment #7

Yes, there are all the usual suspects...Constance, Norma, and Fluerette. However, the one doing the detecting is not who you think. Where, in the past we have been regaled with tales of Contance’s law enforcement career, and Norma’s love of pigeons, this installment is all about Fluerette (which is just how she would prefer it). As the nation works on putting itself back together after WWI and the Spanish Flu epidemic - the Kopp sisters do the same. Long before women’s suffrage, the sisters continue to find their way in a man’s world, both individually and collectively. I loved all the historic details. The “work-arounds” to obtain their goals. Secrets still kept. But, in the end, it is family that prevails. Kopp Sisters Detective Agency...so what’s next for the ladies?

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