Monday, October 25, 2021

“The Black Dove”


#3 of 6

I was looking forward to reacquainting myself with Old Red and Big Red, solving mysteries “Holmes style.” I also had the pleasure of being reacquainted with Doc Chan and Diana Corvus (from book #2). San Francisco’s Chinatown and the Barbary Coast set the tone for this adventure. Chinese tongs, hatchet men, and murder(s). Anti-Chinese sentiment, corrupt SF coppers, and prostitution. SCORPIONS! Although at times confusing, I knew Old Red would figure it out using his detecting skills. The twist at the end caught me off guard. Looking forward to the next installment!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

“Miss Kopp Investigates”

Installment #7

Yes, there are all the usual suspects...Constance, Norma, and Fluerette. However, the one doing the detecting is not who you think. Where, in the past we have been regaled with tales of Contance’s law enforcement career, and Norma’s love of pigeons, this installment is all about Fluerette (which is just how she would prefer it). As the nation works on putting itself back together after WWI and the Spanish Flu epidemic - the Kopp sisters do the same. Long before women’s suffrage, the sisters continue to find their way in a man’s world, both individually and collectively. I loved all the historic details. The “work-arounds” to obtain their goals. Secrets still kept. But, in the end, it is family that prevails. Kopp Sisters Detective what’s next for the ladies?

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

“The Vigilante Game”


The Frame Up #1

The Queen Con #2

The Vigilante Game #3

Drugs. Queens. Comics. What more could you ask for? The Golden Arrow. The Hooded Falcon. The Sassy Dragon. Superheroes en masse. The plot line had as many twists and turns as Lawrence has stage costumes. Secret rooms. Double “agents.” Coded messages hidden in a graphic novel. Loved all the references to movies, tv, and comics. Molin tied up loose ends and gave me the happily-ever-after ending I was hoping for!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

“Lyin’ Eyes”


It was great to visit with the gang again. Ellison, Anarchy, Grace, Max, and of course, Frances. I think what struck me the most was the social constraints of the seventies, especially equal pay for equal work regardless of gender. Making a living wage...hmmm, that sounds familiar. History recycling itself? The other thing that struck me was Ellison finding her voice. I grew up in the seventies (Grace and I have a lot in common) and all the while I was reading I was thinking about my mother. How did the seventies affect her? Did she gain a voice? 

So much to mull over….looking forward to the next installment!!