My daughter-in-law, @sahiti_k, mentioned this book in an Instagram post...and here I am. Reynolds and Kiely’s novel left me with these thoughts:
White privilege
Police brutality
Call to action
“ shield was that I was white.” (179)
Communities coming together to address larger issues
Protest vs. Riot
Die-in “...pantomiming his death to remind the world he was alive.” (312)
“...trying to stare so hard at my own two feet so I wouldn’t have to look up and see what was really going on. And while I’d been doing that I’d been walking in the wrong direction.” (184)
Where to start?
How to help affect change?
What if you don’t know enough to jump in?
How do you educate yourself?
Not saying anything, so you don’t say the wrong thing.
Seeing the pain on both sides
Starting the conversation. Continuing the conversation.
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