Saturday, November 16, 2019

Book review: "The Ladies Room" by Carolyn Brown

“When opportunity knocks you don’t leave it standing on the doorstep. You invite it in and feed it chocolate cake.” (33)

This quote from Carolyn Brown’s novel pretty much sums up the whole storyline. The characters took the hand that was dealt to them and made the best of it. However, I felt the plot was so-so, some of the characters were a little over the top (a little drippy with kindness), or maybe I’m just a cynic and wanted a little more grit (ex-husband and in laws). There was a lot of self-reflection, some vengeance (the sardine episode), and a fairy tale ending. But still...there were moments of laugh-out-loud humor as well (open hunting season on cheating husbands and the pop-up sanctuaries). Trudy’s ongoing monologue was entertaining. I definitely related to her love of food...but, no I don’t carry Snickers bars in my purse, just in case.

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