Sunday, October 27, 2019

Book Review: "Shoot Like A Girl" by Mary Jennings Hegar

I feel like I have been surrounded by strong determined women all my life. Each one navigating the world on her own terms. This book reminded me of those women. Mary Jennings Hegar’s pursuit of her life’s dream showed me a world that I want my granddaughter to grow up in. One where it shouldn’t matter your gender, one where the “good ole boys” don’t get to call all the shots, one where there is no glass ceiling to her potential, and one where she can be whatever she wants with hard work and determination. For me, the bigger meaning behind Hegar’s book is for men and women to focus on keeping an open we see the world today, may not be the way we need or should see it tomorrow. Passionate. Supportive. Strong. Determined.

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