Wednesday, October 25, 2023

“Mrs. Stein Solves a Crime”


A cozy mystery. Just what I needed to read. No blood. No guts. No deranged killer. Just a crime that needed to be solved. It was great to revisit the San Francisco boarding house, and its quirky inhabitants. Crime solved, perpetrator exiled. Onto the next mystery!!

“The Book Woman’s Daughter”

Monsters…”you can kill the one under the bed, but there are always a few more in the back of the closet waiting.” (286)

Miscegenation (marriage or cohabitation between two people from different racial groups).

Women’s rights.


Women working men’s jobs.





Why do we fear what we don’t understand? Why do we perpetuate hatred, based on that fear? What is it we are really afraid of? How is one’s struggle to survive a call to react with violence? To stand in judgment? The common denominator is always that we are all human beings. To be treated with respect.


“But your mother changed all that with the books…

Books are the cornerstone to greater minds.” (307)

Monday, October 9, 2023

“The Memory Keeper of Kyiv”

“Look to the future.” (365)

Did the ends justify the means? Should we be holding a mirror to these events and our own struggle with human rights in our own backyard?

Sadness. Grief. Fortitude. Politics. Lack of empathy. Love. Commitment. Survival. Denial. Coverup. Death. Rebirth. Resilience. Perseverance. Promises. Choices.

Told in two voices, I wanted to walk away from the story, but couldn’t…I had to know if there could ever be a “happily-ever-after” ending. At times it was hard to imagine that such an ending could indeed happen.