Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Cherry-pick details to fit the narrative. Isn’t that what our history books do? Give the facts that lead up to and through an event. Vilify the antagonist. BUT…weren’t we all children at some point with hopes and dreams? Didn’t we all make the best of whatever situation we found ourselves in? How did our siblings see us? Our parents? How might they have struggled with our choices? It’s easy to laser focus on a point in history. But what about the ripples created by our actions? 

John Wilkes Booth’s actions were inexcusable. How each of his siblings reacted was interesting. Ripples. Parents playing favorites. Boys over girls. Ten children, six living to adulthood. A father that was barely home. Ripples.  I related to Rosalie, Booth’s oldest sister. Adventurous. Faithful. Invisible. Which details, if they exist, will be cherry-picked to tell her story?

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

“The Impostor”

What happened to the lion? I got kind of a creepy vibe in the beginning. My mind continually flashed to the short story, “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury. The setting in post apartheid South Africa came with its own challenges: deserts, jungles, a highway, a town struggling to survive. Daddy issues, an escort, a golf course, poverty, and a tie to organized crime. Power, Revenge. Friendship. Depression. I wish I could say the end justifies the means, but I’m not sure it did. Galgut left me with one burning question…in the end, what happened to the lion?

Sunday, July 2, 2023


What could possibly go wrong in your life if you chronically lie? Lie to your family. Lie to yourself. Alcoholism. Lies. Career track. Llies. Parenting. Llies. Partner. Lies. 

Blackouts. Brain waves. RFID chips. Cell towers. Memories. Rape culture. Monied justice. Hiding the truth about everything. Friendships developed. Trust. Support. Healing.

Some of the reviews I read on Amazon were less than flattering. I found this book intriguing. I so hoped the ending worked out the way I wanted it to. For a thriller, I’m not sure it hit all the “buttons.” However, I did stay up late to finish it!