Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Living your best life…the end justifying the means to get there. I slogged through Marconi’s turbulent life to get back to the Crippen’s storyline. A murder mystery tangled in the race to make wireless telegraphy profitable. What does it take to succeed? To be happy? How do social conventions help and hinder? A race against time and technology. And at what cost? Fortunes? Relationships? Love? To what degree would we sacrifice to find just one? In the end what would we have accomplished if we didn’t follow our passion? Our name written on history becomes our legacy. Living our best life, leaving behind the broken lives of those we once loved.

Friday, June 16, 2023

“One Toe” by Lori McMullen

It was time,

To put my toe in the water.

To watch the ripples form,

To look at a future without the routine I’d come to know.

I had become a dinosaur,

Extinction casting a long shadow on my career.

Dipping my toe,

Could leave pieces of the puzzle undone.

Leaving behind a life,

That seemed filled with urgency.

Just one toe is all it took,

To set new ripples of my life in motion.

The ripples now,

Slower, gentler, different.

Just one toe,

To find a new normal, a new fulfillment.

A new set of ripples to carry my life forward.

Retired from teaching, after 21 years: June 2019

Written: June, 16, 2023

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

“One of Us Is Dead”

“I took care of my clients.” - Jenny (351)

“America was built on the backs of others. We’re just carrying on the tradition.” - Olivia (283)

Entitlement. Greed. Bullying. Manipulation. Finally…a plan.

Is money the root of all evil, or is it the love of money that is evil? What if money was the basis of your power? What if you coveted what you could hold over someone’s head to push yourself up the social ladder? When will those whose backs you stepped on to get ahead have had enough? How do we stop the constant manipulation from ruining our lives? Why do we tolerate those types of people in our lives, even if we think their values are corrupt? How do we say “enough is enough?” Can friendships forged of a common “enemy” be enough to find a solution?

One of them did, indeed, end up dead - but it didn’t happen the way I thought it would. It’s always good to have a plan.

I could NOT put this book down! Great read!!

Friday, June 9, 2023

“The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie”

“These are the years of my prime. You are benefitting from my prime.” (43)

I recently met a man who read books by reading the first 100 pages, and then skipped to the end. “I suppose you read the whole book, even if you don’t like it?” Yep. I wish I had met him before I started reading this novel, maybe I would have taken his advice after page 50.

Impressionable. Unconventional. Opinionated. MANIPULATIVE. Betrayed. 

Ok, I have to admit I was mildly intrigued. Which leads me to wonder…did I ever hit my prime as a teacher? I might seek out the film version of the book just to see someone else’s interpretation.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

“Dragon Teeth”

Action. Twists. Turns. Deceit. Ladies. Passion. AND DINOSAURS!

What better adventure to have as a young college coed than to dig up fossils? What if the adventure didn’t turn out quite the way you imagined it? What if, during this adventure you ran into the likes of Wild Bill Hickok and Wyatt Earp?  Would you stick it out or catch the first express out of Deadwood? How do you reconcile all that you thought you knew with what you know now? Where will the adventure take you when you return home…if you return?

Enjoyed every minute of this novel…Crichton threw in enough history to keep me reading. Of course, the dinosaurs helped too.