the most wonderful time of the year...” I start listening to my
Christmas music mix on the first of December. I want to feel the
anticipation of the season, the joy, the love...the wonder of it all.
But the reality of the event is such that, what I really feel is
exhausted. The enormity of what lies ahead is overwhelming. But why?
What is it that makes something that should be a happy time of year
such a chore?
could be the laundry list of things to be done:
- Bring in boxes from the garage
- Christmas cards, purchased, signed, and sent (don't forget the stamps)
- Gifts purchased and wrapped
- Decorate the house
- Decorate the tree
- Put up the outside decorations
- Bake – cookies, fudge, etc.
- Clean the house – including the toilets
things alone would cause a grown woman to book a vacation in the
Caribbean. So how is it, so many households, do not book those
flights, but manage to succeed in creating the “...most wonderful
time of the year?” Or is it just me?
was a time I could manage it all. Perhaps the focus was different.
With kids at home, the idea of creating those memories was a way of
energizing for the long haul. But I don't think it was as simple as
all that. Gifts had to be bought, ornaments placed on the tree and
cookies don't just bake themselves. Overwhelm!!! There never seemed
to be a good time to go shopping, so the idea of searching for gifts,
gave way to, “what should we get them, and where do we go to get
that?” “Can't it all be bought in one store?” “How 'bout a
gift card instead?” My stomach starts to roll.
No. Never. I can do this, and I do.
here I am again, looking at the empty boxes stacked in the living
room waiting to be filled with all the ornaments, ribbons,
knick-knacks, and decorations I just put up, what seems like, last
week. Time to put it all away for another year.
I will look at my list, in reverse. Baby steps to taking away all the
magic I tried to create. The house will look empty and pale. But
that's what January is all about, isn't it? Hmmm, warm sunny beaches,
drinks with umbrellas...where is the gift card for that?
yes, my mantra continues “...it's the most wonderful time of the